> Am 23.11.2017 um 23:34 schrieb Ed Scott Wilson Garcia <edsc...@imp.mx>:
> Hi all,
>    Currently we have a problema derived from the 2pnc model which Works quite 
> well, but we have a couple issues we would like to examine further. 
>    First, we are using a modified BrooksCorey material law which depends 
> spatially and timewise on the salt concentration. We implemented the problem 
> by defining a matrix of spatialParams objects ---one for each cell---,

Hi Edscott,

the spatial parameter class has getter interface functions for the material 
params per element already so it is a "global" class that you should only have 
once. Additionally, correct me if I'm wrong, you seem to have a single material 
law for all cells so it would be a waste of resources to have that for all 
cells. The common approach would be to have an std::vector in the spatial 
params class that stores the permeabilities and porosities (if they are 
solution dependent in your case). For the material law you can change the 
volume variables so that they pass the salt concentration to the material law 
> and on each time step we update the parameters according the current 
> solution. Would this be the proper Dumux approach?
It depends on what you are trying to do. In your method the parameter 
dependency on the solution is decoupled from the rest of the system in the 
sense that you use solution values from the old time step. If you want to solve 
a fully coupled system you need to compute with the current Newton steps 
solution. You can do that, as mentioned above, by calling the material law from 
the volume variables but additionally pass the salt concentration. 
>    Second, we would like to change the resolution method from iterative to 
> direct (our problem is small), in particular UMFpack. Any pointers on how to 
> set about doing this?
You need to install UMFPack which is e.g. part of the suitesparse package on 
debian systems. Make sure dumux found it by checking the ouput of CMake when 
running dunecontrol (A line like: Optional packages found: * UMFPack.  If not 
delete the build folders and run dunecontrol again.

If you installed UMFPack or it's already installed on your system simply set 
the according linear solver property by adding the lines

SET_PROP(YourTypeTag, LinearSolver, UMFPackBackend<TypeTag>);

to your properties in the problem header. 

Best wishes
>   Many thanks in advance for any ideas or suggestions.
> Regards,
> Edscott
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