Thank you so much! I will try.


Von: Dumux [] Im Auftrag von 
Flemisch, Bernd, apl.Prof.Dr.
Gesendet: Montag, 11. Dezember 2017 10:31
An: DuMuX User Forum
Betreff: Re: [DuMuX] Dune::BCRSMatrix

In that case (numSurfaceReactions > numSurfaceSpecies), you have to go for a 
least-squares solution

min_{x in R^numSurfaceSpecies} || A*x - b ||

which can be achieved by solving

(A^t*A)*x = b
I have not seen a dedicated ISTL solver for this.

My indexing was wrong in the first place. You should modify to
        Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, numSurfaceReactions, numSurfaceSpecies> A;
        Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, numSurfaceSpecies, numSurfaceReactions> At;
        for(int speciesIdx=0; speciesIdx<numSurfaceSpecies; speciesIdx++)
            for(int reactionIdx=0; reactionIdx<numSurfaceReactions; 
                A[reactionIdx][speciesIdx] = ...
                At[speciesIdx][reactionIdx] = ...
        auto AtA = A.leftmultiply(At);

        // right hand side
        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numSurfaceReactions> b;
        for(int reactionIdx=0; reactionIdx<numSurfaceReactions; reactionIdx++)
b[reactionIdx] = ...

        // solution
        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numSurfaceSpecies> x;
        AtA.solve(x, b);

Von: Dumux 
 im Auftrag von<> 
Gesendet: Montag, 11. Dezember 2017 10:10:20
Betreff: Re: [DuMuX] Dune::BCRSMatrix

Hi Bernd,

Actually, the system might be overdetermined, so FieldMatrix solve() will not 
necessarily work. Do I have any options to solve such a system with ISTL?

Kind regards

Von: Dumux [] Im Auftrag von 
Flemisch, Bernd, apl.Prof.Dr.
Gesendet: Montag, 11. Dezember 2017 10:03
An: DuMuX User Forum
Betreff: Re: [DuMuX] Dune::BCRSMatrix

Hi Georg,

for the system that you describe, there is no need to wrap things in 
BCRSMatrices and BlockVectors. You can use directly FieldMatrices and -Vectors:

        Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, numSurfaceReactions, numSurfaceSpecies> A;

        for(int speciesIdx=0; speciesIdx<numSurfaceSpecies; speciesIdx++)

            for(int reactionIdx=0; reactionIdx<numSurfaceReactions; 

                A[speciesIdx][reactionIdx] = ...

        // right hand side

        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numSurfaceReactions> b;
        for(int reactionIdx=0; reactionIdx<numSurfaceReactions; reactionIdx++)

b[reactionIdx] = ...

        // solution

        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numSurfaceSpecies> x;

        A.solve(x, b);

I hope that numSurfaceReactions == numSurfaceSpecies?

You would only need the more complicated setting if your system size was not 
known at compile time.

Kind regards


Von: Dumux 
 im Auftrag von<> 
Gesendet: Montag, 11. Dezember 2017 09:29:07
Betreff: [DuMuX] Dune::BCRSMatrix

Hello Dumux,

I would like to solve a linear system of equations (A*x = b) using the Dune 
ISTL. To use the  Dumux implementation (seqsolverbackend.hh), 
Dune::FieldVectors need to be wrapped in Dune::Blockvectors and a 
Dune::FieldMatrix is wrapped in a Dune::BCRSMatrix. I am not familiar with 
these data types and the Dune documentation on the homepage is really 
confusing. Since the system is not too large, I guess I can solve everything in 
a single block? This is the code I use right now:

        Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, numSurfaceReactions, numSurfaceSpecies> A;
        for(int speciesIdx=0; speciesIdx<numSurfaceSpecies; speciesIdx++)
            for(int reactionIdx=0; reactionIdx<numSurfaceReactions; 
                assign values...

        // right hand side
        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numSurfaceReactions> > b;
        b.resize(1); // does this mean there is only one block containing a 
FieldVector ?
        for(int reactionIdx=0; reactionIdx<numSurfaceReactions; reactionIdx++)
b[0][reactionIdx] = ...

        // solution
        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numSurfaceSpecies> > x;

typedef typename Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, numSurfaceReactions, 
numSurfaceSpecies> MatrixBlock;
typedef typename Dune::BCRSMatrix<MatrixBlock> ISTLMatrix;

ISTLMatrix A2(1, 1, ISTLMatrix::random); // does this mean there is only one 
block containing a FieldMatrix ?

        for(int speciesIdx=0; speciesIdx<numSurfaceSpecies; speciesIdx++)
            for(int reactionIdx=0; reactionIdx<numSurfaceReactions; 
                A2[0][0][reactionIdx][speciesIdx] = ... HOW TO ASSIGN VALUES???

I get a segmentation fault from the last line. Is there better information on 
BCRS matrices somewhere? Any hints on how to set up this matrix are greatly 

Best regards

Georg Futter

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics | Computational Electrochemistry | 
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40 | 70569 Stuttgart

Dipl.-Ing. Georg Futter | Ph.D. student
Telefon 0711/6862-8135 |<><>

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