Hi Timo,

Thank you for your feedback.

I have updated the README.md of the project with some screenshots and more 
detailed description of the problem, please have a look at 

Agree on your points for the cell-centered TPFA scheme, but as you can see at 
the README.md, there are order of magnitude difference between the obtained and 
expected pressure fields...

Can it be that I am setting pressure BC not on a wetting pressure but some 
other quantity?. How can I set the pressure BC on the wetting phase pressure?


From: Timo Koch <timo.k...@iws.uni-stuttgart.de>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2018 18:41
To: DuMuX User Forum <dumux@listserv.uni-stuttgart.de>
Cc: Nikolai Andrianov <nand...@dtu.dk>
Subject: Re: [DuMuX] Non-constant pressure BC for non-zero capillary pressure

Hi Nikolai,

It's a bit hard to say without seeing the results. Can you provide some 
screenshot or something so that it is clear how much the pressure is deviation 
where and when (only at the beginning of the simulation)?

One thing that might help: you are using the cell-centered TPFA scheme so 
Dirichlet boundary conditions are imposed weakly on the boundary faces. This 
means that if you visualize the cell center degrees of freedom, they are not 
actually equal to the boundary values, they are rather the values half a cell 
away from the boundary. So if you start with a large saturation gradient (from 
sw=swr to sw=1 at the boundary) it might take some time until the pressure in 
the boundary cell is close to the Dirichlet value.

Best wishes


On 07.08.2018 18:00, Nikolai Andrianov wrote:
Dear DuMuX experts,

I wonder what can be the reason for the following strange behavior I observe 
with a simple waterflooding simulation.

It is a water injection into an oil-saturated 2D block, the fluids are 
considered as incompressible. Dirichlet boundary conditions are imposed at left 
and right boundaries, whereas there are no-flow at top and bottom boundaries. 
Brooks-Corey relative permeabilities and capillary pressure curve are used.

Despite the fact, that the boundary conditions are set for the wetting phase 
pressure, the pressure values at the boundary appear to be quite different from 
the prescribed ones in case of non-zero capillary pressure. If Pc=0, the 
pressure boundary values do take the values prescribed in the problem 

The project is available at 
https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/andrian/rate-sens-nofrac, and I would 
appreciate if you could comment on what's going wrong.


PS: I work with the dumux-course branch.


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