Dear DuMuX experts,

Please advise what can cause the following bizarre error: the code compiled 
with debug options runs smoothly but the same code compiled with release 
options crashes in the linear solver with the following message:

Solve: M deltax^k = rNewton: Caught exception: "SolverAbort 
[apply:/home/nikolai/dumux/dune-istl/dune/istl/solvers.hh:628]: breakdown in 
BiCGSTAB - rho 0 <= EPSILON 1e-80 after 87.5 iterations"

This error pops up when working on a modified version of the exercise-fractures 
test cases from dumux-course. Apart from modifying the -problem.hh and 
-spatialparams.hh files, I have also corrected darcyslaw.hh and switched the 
formulation to p1s0 (as described in my previous post).

Compilation .opts files are attached.

May thanks,


Attachment: debug.opts
Description: debug.opts

Attachment: cmake_O3.opts
Description: cmake_O3.opts

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