Hi Nikolai,

you might be able to use the image https://hub.docker.com/r/timokoch/bb-dumux-3, we use for testing.

There is also plently of Docker images by the Dune community for example "registry.dune-project.org/docker/ci/dune:2.6-debian-9-gcc-6-14" would be an image with dune 2.6, debian 9, gcc 6 and C++14. They are certainly good base images.

There is also some Dockerfiles in https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux-docker so you could write and build your own image.

I definitely cannot recommend to install the whole infrastructure on every run, that takes a lot of unnecessary resources. If your using releases of dune and dumux you can even prebuild everything in the image, then you just need to reconfigure your module.

Good luck,


On 29.01.19 19:05, Nikolai Andrianov wrote:

Dear DuMuX experts,

How can I set up automated testing of my DuMuX version using Gitlab CI?

So far I have tried using a standard Ubuntu docker image in my .gitlab-ci.yml, but installing the whole infrastructure (g++, cmake, libraries etc) with GitLab's shared runners takes forever on my system :(

Is it possible to set up a specified docker image within .gitlab-ci.yml, which would contain everything needed to build DuMuX?



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