Hi Lorenzo,

please make your questions more specific. What are these processes that typically occur with surfactants and reactive polymers? How do you want to model them with DuMux? In general (almost) everything is possible, the question is just how much you have to implement or if there is already an out-of-the-box solution. But that question can only be answered if we know more.

If you are thinking about changing contact angles for example: it depends how you want to model that. You could, e.g., do that by a implementing a material law that depends on the concentration of some surfactant. That seems feasible, I can't remember right now if I know someone that tried that already. There might be other people that can answer that better. Reactions in general should not be a problem.


On 04.02.19 17:02, lc wrote:
Good evening,

I'd like to ask about the chemical reactions handling capability in DuMux. Is it able to handle the kind of processes which occur typically with surfactants and reactive polimers?

Best regards,


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