Hi Edscott,

just as an addition: modifying the porosity-model (storage term) is a lot easier in Dumux 3.0.

You simply have to change the porosity law in the spatialparams.



On 11.03.19 11:09, Martin Beck wrote:
Hi Edscott,

yes, the model assumes alpha = 1. If you want to adapt this, you have to change it in the elementvolumevariables.hh, but also for the assembly of the momentum balance equation in localoperator.hh:346 (- alpha * peff instead of - peff). The post-processing evaluation of the total stresses and the principal stresses in model.hh also contains this assumption.


On 3/8/19 9:02 PM, Ed Scott Wilson Garcia wrote:
We are now introducing Biot's  modulus into the el2p problem and using this to calculate Skempton's coefficient instead of the other way around (Biot's modulus = 1/c0_). In order to obtain the undrained bulk modulus we also need Biot's coefficient (alpha), so we also provide that in the input file.

My question is as follows.
To make the use of Biot's coefficient complete, would we also have to modify the el2p model? Specifically, multiply the divergence of u with alpha in elementvolumevariables.hh:259?

best regards,

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