static void init()
        init(/*tempMin=*/273.15, /* 0 °C */
             /*tempMax=*/573.15, /* 300 °C, MAX is 350 °C */
             /*pMax=*/100e6, /* 100 MPa, MAX is 100 MPa*/
Note that I use tables of size 1e7 !! Nonetheless I get the following warning 
when running my application :

FORWARD METHOD CALL liquidDensity(573.15, 6.24561e+06) OF COMPONENT 'H2O'. 
Subcritical values: Be aware to use Tables with sufficient resolution!

This doesn't seem to make sense as the temperatures are always within the range 
[320, 350] K (~[50, 90]°C) during the simulation.

Hi Joan,

even if the temperature solution is in this range it doesn't mean that in some 
intermediate Newton step (before convergence) the temperature might be outside 
this range. In case the value is outside the tabulation, the value is just 
computed with the function provided by the fluid system. It is thus slightly 
slower than using the tabularized values. If this occurs very often you might 
be able to speed-up your simulation by tabulating slightly more temperature 
values. In any case it shouldn't do anything bad to your results.

Just to be more precise: You should increase the range, not the number of 
values. The default 623.15 maybe already helps you. 1000 steps for temperature 
and 10000 for pressure seems way too much to me. Something like 100 for both 
should be enough to give accurate results.

Kind regards


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