Hi Dennis,
Thank you for making things clear. But I still have few doubts.  I am using
dumux/test/multidomain/poromechanics/el2p example for my model. In
spatialparams_2p.hh, both deformation dependent porosity and  deformation
dependent permeability are being evaluated while in
*spatialparams_poroelastic.hh*, deformation dependent porosity is being
evaluated.  In the base class "FVSpatialParamsPoroElastic", there is no
method for the permeability calculation. Now I am confused, not sure which
case is being solved here.  Would  you please explain implementation
differences for the both cases?

Also, I really appreciate if you could point out the 3.2 branch to use
deformation-dependent porosities model.

Thanks & Regards,

On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 7:02 PM Dennis Gläser <
dennis.glae...@iws.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:

> Hi Ranjeet,
> regarding the formulation: there are no publications using the
> poromechanics module of Dumux 3, yet. But, you can have a look at the PhD
> thesis of Martin Beck:
> https://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/bitstream/11682/10435/3/Promo_MartinBeck.pdf
> and in particular the sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2. Equation 3.6 states the
> momentum balance equation of the porous medium right before the
> linearization. This is what is currently solved in Dumux. This implies that
> you should have knowledge about your initial stress/deformation conditions,
> or, solve for them primarily. In other words, if you initialize your system
> with non-zero fluid pressures, you will observe stresses/deformations
> caused by the initial conditions. If gravity is neglected and
> incompressible fluids are considered, you could start your simulation with
> zero pressure and zero displacement.
> Regarding the deformation-dependent porosities: That depends on your
> application. Currently, there is an issue with the coupling derivatives of
> the storage term, and thus, if the porosity is chosen
> deformation-dependent, the non-linear solver convergence deteriorates
> significantly. On the other hand, deformation-dependent permeabilities work
> fine.
> We are planning to fix this issue very soon and hope that you want to use
> Dumux for you application. We will not be able to fix it until the 3.2
> release which is scheduled for a few weeks from now. If you want, I can
> point you to a fix branch on which the bugfix is done in an unsatisfactory
> way, but on that branch you could develop your application for now. Once we
> have solved the problem you could switch back to the release branch.
> Regards,
> Dennis
> On 29.03.20 15:01, Ranjeet kumar wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want to develop a poroelastic model using el2p module in Dumux 3.1. As
> per Dumux2.12 class documentation,  soil mechanics sign convention (i.e.
> compressive stresses are negative) has been used in el2p module. However,
> papers & thesis based on Dumux2 has used opposite sign convention. Can you
> clarify which sign convention is being used in Dumux3.1?
> Q2. As a linearised form of momentum balance equation is being solved in
> el2p model, the solution effective stress obtained from:
> const auto effSigma = StressType::effectiveStressTensor(*this, element,
> fvGeometry, elemVolVars, fluxVarsCache);
> is the total effective stress or change in effective stress with respect
> to initial effective stress?
> References:
> 1. p-3, Volume-Based Modelling of Fault Reactivation in Porous Media Using
> a Visco-Elastic Proxy Model.  Martin Beck1 · Gabriele Seitz1 · Holger Class1
> 2. p-3, Modelling fault reactivation with characteristic stress-drop
> terms. Martin Beck and Holger Class
> 3. p68-69, Coupling Models of Different Complexity for the Simulation of
> CO2 Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers
> Thank you,
> Regards,
> Ranjeet
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