Hi Timo,

First, I would like to wish a happy new year to everyone.

Thanks a lot for your answer.  We will try your idea.

The problem when imposing only a flux on the left side is that the groundwater flow is unfortunately not uniform. The test case that we want to consider comes from this reference https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1750583615001899



Le 23/12/2021 à 10:24, Timo Koch a écrit :
On 15. Dec 2021, at 18:16, Etienne Ahusborde <etienne.ahusbo...@univ-pau.fr <mailto:etienne.ahusbo...@univ-pau.fr>> wrote:

Dear DuMuX,

With my colleagues, we are interested to perform a test case of injection of CO2 into a reservoir with uniform background hydraulic head gradients.

<Capture d’écran de 2021-12-15 18-03-19.png>

The configuration is represented in the figure above and the groundwater flow is 5.5m / year.

We are wondering how it is possible to impose this groundwater flow in DuMuX.

We inject CO2 as a source term and we tried to impose a flux of water on the upstream boundary with a velocity of 5.5m / year. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be the good way to do.

Dear Etienne,

what was the problem with the boundary condition approach? This seems like the solution with the smallest perturbation of the solution within the domain. I don’t fully understand the meaning of the conditions you want to set. Since the groundwater flow pressure field will be influenced by the CO2 plume and in a non-linear way fixing a hydraulic heads or even superimposing a gradient within the domain additively would influence the physics.

However, maybe in your setup this wouldn’t be important.
In that case you, could modify the flux implementation, e.g. Dumux::DarcysLaw (or more specifically the specialisation for your discretisation method) and add a position-dependent background pressure field (e.g. via a spatial parameter interface) to the pressures appearing there. Your pressure solution would then be the pressure difference to that background pressure field, so to minimise the influence on the solution the background pressure field should probably be centred around 0. You can set your modified Darcy’s law class via the property “AdvectionType”. As I haven’t tried something like that myself I can’t guarantee this works as expected.

Best wishes

Has someone an idea to how we could impose that?

Thanks in advance for any help



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