Dear Sir or Madam,

in the context of the lecture Simulation Software Engineering at the University of Stuttgart I am supposed to make a contribution to DuMuX. While installing the software and trying out the first tutorials, I noticed that, contrary to my expectations, the contents of the DuMuX course have to be installed and not just downloaded. In retrospect, I also found information about this on the homepage, directly when trying it out, it was unintuitive for me. Therefore I would like to add the installation of the DuMuX course as the first part of the description of the scenario "Basics". This would give other users one less pitfall to overcome in order to use the software. But before I open a pull request, I wanted to ask here if this suggestion is gladly accepted or not.
I am looking forward to a reply and a good cooperation.

Kind regards
Axel Schumacher

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