Hi Helena,

it should be possible to add a function

to your spatial params taking
(element, scv, elemSol, solidState)
as parameters. There is an example in the dumux-lecture module, have a look at
Return your upscaled conductivity there, ignoring the "solid" misnomer.


to a new file upscaledconductivity.hh in dumux-heat.

Rename the class ThermalConductivityAverage to UpscaledConductivity and adapt 
the function effectiveThermalConductivity to just return


Include the header upscaledconductivity.hh in your properties.hh and set the 
property by

struct ThermalConductivityModel<TypeTag, TTag::MyTypeTag> { using type = 
UpscaledConductivity<GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>>; }
where MyTypeTag is the type tag of your problem.

Let me know if this helps.

Kind regards


Bernd Flemisch
IWS, Universität Stuttgart               phone: +49 711 685 69162
Pfaffenwaldring 61              email: be...@iws.uni-stuttgart.de
D-70569 Stuttgart           url: 
Von: DuMux <dumux-boun...@listserv.uni-stuttgart.de> im Auftrag von Helena 
Kschidock <h.kschid...@gmail.com>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. September 2022 14:51:08
An: dumux@listserv.uni-stuttgart.de
Betreff: [DuMux] Anisotropic heat conductivity tensor in heat conduction 

Hi all,

I am attempting to simulate a heat conduction problem in a simple porous medium 
using macro-micro coupling via preCICE. Currently, I am implementing the macro 
problem to be coupled with an existing micro problem, basing my code on the 
existing implementation in dumux-heat (which solves a simple heat conduction 
problem as a OnePNI problem with boundary and initial conditions set in such a 
way that there is no flow, leaving only the heat problem).

The micro problem communicates the porosity and a potentially anisotropic 
thermal conductivity tensor as inputs to the macro problem. I now need to 
incorporate these into my DuMuX macro simulation, and set them locally for each 

>From what I have understood (and please correct me), this is pretty 
>straightforward for the porosity, and can be done by overloading
`template<class ElementSolution>
Scalar porosity (const Element& element, const SubControlVolume& scv, const 
ElementSolution& elemSol) const{}`
in spatialparams.hh.

However, I have not yet found any way to incorporate a local, scv-specific 
conductivity, much less a local conductivity tensor in DuMux. The only thing 
coming up seem to be the two parameters SolidThermalConductivity and 
LiquidThermalConductivity, but these are static, even in my case. Any 
suggestions on how to achieve this with DuMuX?

I'd be thankful for any and all ideas,
Best regards,
Helena Kschidock

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