Hello Yigun,

the attached log file is not very helpful, it lacks quite some information. This is not your fault, I improved the script. If you want, you can use the attached version.

Part of the log file is the following line:
> dumux/cmake.opts: file not found
This indicates, that from the folder where dunecontrol is executed, no dumux/cmake.opts was found. I don't know how this can happen. Can you check whether the file dumux/dumux/cmake.opts exists relative to your installdumux.py file?

Further, you can execute in the dumux forder (not dumux/dumux) the following command and share the output:
./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=dumux/cmake.opts all


Am 20.07.23 um 06:03 schrieb Yiqun Ma:
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a newbie to DuMux and I am getting this error while installing using the script in https://dumux.org/docs/doxygen/master/installation.html <https://dumux.org/docs/doxygen/master/installation.html>. What should I do to fix it please?

All the best,

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-FileCopyrightInfo: Copyright © DuMux Project contributors, see AUTHORS.md in root folder
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

One click install script for dumux
import os
import sys
import argparse
import subprocess
import textwrap
from shutil import which

class _Version:
    def __init__(self, version: str) -> None:
        self._version = [int(v) for v in version.strip(" ").strip("\n").split(".")]

    def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
        for versionSelf, versionOther in zip(self._version, other._version):
            if versionSelf < versionOther:
                return True
            if versionSelf > versionOther:
                return False
        return False

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    usage="./installdumux.py [OPTIONS]",
    description="This script downloads and compiles the latest release of Dumux.",
# Optional arguments
parser.add_argument("--dune-version", default="2.9", help="Dune version to be checked out.")
parser.add_argument("--dumux-version", default="3.7", help="Dumux version to be checked out.")
args = vars(parser.parse_args())

duneBranch = (
    args["dune_version"] if args["dune_version"] == "master" else "releases/" + args["dune_version"]
dumuxBranch = (
    if args["dumux_version"] == "master"
    else "releases/" + args["dumux_version"]

def showMessage(message):
    """Pretty print message"""
    print("*" * 120)
    print("*" * 120)

def checkCppVersion():
    """Check compiler version"""
    requiredversion = "9.3"
    result = subprocess.check_output(["g++", "-dumpversion"]).decode().strip()
    if _Version(result) < _Version(requiredversion):
        print("-- An error occurred while checking for prerequistes.")
        raise Exception(
            f"g++ greater than or equal to {requiredversion} "
            "is required for dumux releases >=3.2!"

def runCommand(command, workdir="."):
    """Run command with error checking"""
    with open("../installdumux.log", "a") as log:
        print("> ", " ".join(command), file=log)
        with subprocess.Popen(
        ) as popen:
            returnCode = popen.wait()
            if returnCode:
                message = textwrap.dedent(

                    (Error) The command {command} returned with non-zero exit code
                    If you can't fix the problem yourself consider reporting your issue
                    on the mailing list (dumux@listserv.uni-stuttgart.de) and
                    attach the file 'installdumux.log'
                print(message, file=log)

def gitClone(url, branch=None):
    """Clone git repo"""
    clone = ["git", "clone"]
    if branch:
        clone += ["-b", branch]
    runCommand(command=[*clone, url])

def gitSetBranch(folder, branch):
    """Checkout specific git branch"""
    checkout = ["git", "checkout", branch]
    runCommand(command=checkout, workdir=folder)

# clear the log file
with open("installdumux.log", "w") as _:

log = open('installdumux.log', 'a')

# (1/3) Check some prerequistes
programs = ["git", "gcc", "g++", "cmake", "pkg-config"]
showMessage("(1/3) Checking all prerequistes: " + " ".join(programs) + "...")
print("(1/3) Checking all prerequistes: " + " ".join(programs) + "...", file=log)

# check some prerequistes
for program in programs:
    if which(program) is None:
        print("-- An error occurred while checking for prerequistes.")
        raise Exception(f"Program {program} has not been found.")

if which("paraview") is None:
        "-- Warning: paraview seems to be missing. You may not be able to view simulation results!"


showMessage("(1/3) Step completed. All prerequistes found.")
print("(1/3) Step completed. All prerequistes found.", file=log)

# (2/3) Clone modules
# make a new folder containing everything
os.makedirs("./dumux", exist_ok=True)

    "(2/3) Cloning repositories. This may take a while. "
    "Make sure to be connected to the internet..."
print("(2/3) Cloning repositories. This may take a while.", file=log)

# the core modules
for module in ["common", "geometry", "grid", "localfunctions", "istl"]:
    if not os.path.exists(f"dune-{module}"):
        gitClone(f"https://gitlab.dune-project.org/core/dune-{module}.git";, duneBranch)
        print(f"-- Skip cloning dune-{module} because the folder already exists.")
        print(f"-- Skip cloning dune-{module} because the folder already exists.", file=log)
        gitSetBranch(f"dune-{module}", duneBranch)

# dumux
if not os.path.exists("dumux"):
    gitClone("https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux.git";, dumuxBranch)
    print("-- Skip cloning dumux because the folder already exists.")
    print("-- Skip cloning dumux because the folder already exists.", file=log)
    gitSetBranch("dumux", dumuxBranch)

showMessage("(2/3) Step completed. All repositories have been cloned into a containing folder.")
print("(2/3) Step completed. All repositories have been cloned into a containing folder.", file=log)

# (3/3) Configure and build
    "(3/3) Configure and build dune modules and dumux using dunecontrol. "
    "This may take several minutes..."
print("(3/3) Configure and build dune modules and dumux using dunecontrol.", file=log)

# run dunecontrol
runCommand(command=["./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol", "--opts=dumux/cmake.opts", "all"])

showMessage("(3/3) Step completed. Successfully configured and built dune and dumux.")
print("(3/3) Step completed. Successfully configured and built dune and dumux.", file=log)

# Show message how to check that everything works
TEST_PATH = "dumux/dumux/build-cmake/test/porousmediumflow/1p"
if dumuxBranch == "master" or _Version(args["dumux_version"]) > _Version("3.3"):
    TEST_PATH += "/isothermal"
    TEST_PATH += "/implicit/isothermal"

    "(Installation complete) To test if everything works, "
    "please run the following commands (can be copied to command line):\n\n"
    f"  cd {TEST_PATH}\n"
    "  make test_1p_tpfa\n"
    "  ./test_1p_tpfa\n"
    "  paraview *pvd\n"
print("(Installation complete)", file=log)
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