I think I may have made a mistake.

I recently purchased a Powerbook 2400c - stock - off ebay. It did not
come with a power adapter, but it came charged.

(I will use use a Powerbook G3 2000 45w adapter if I can over come my GLOD
Problem. My PB G3 died about a year ago, but the AC adapter still works)

I had some GLOD problems when it arrived, but it could be fixed with
resetting the PMU (the button in the back is called the PMU right?)

Since then I bought some RAM and added a different hard drive. Since the
installation the GLOD cannot be vanquished.

I tried just removing the new RAM. Still GLOD.
Put  back the old hard drive. Still GLOD.

These are the steps I've tried from advice I've got off the net:

a) Disconnect the AC adapter
b) Pull Lion battery out
c) Reconnect AC 
d) Reset Power Manager button by depressing it for at least 40 seconds
-battery out with AC connected results in resetting Power Manager.

I am considered buying a new PRAM battery, but unsure if this a wise

I have a limited budget, but would enjoy having a powerbook again.
Please advise.

Any thoughts are appreciated and welcome. If you would prefer to email me
off list to spare everyone else on the list, please feel free.

Best wishes,


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