I did a little scavenging over the weekend and managed to find a duo dock for next to nothing($5), After playing around with it it appears to have a major malfunction.

It will not power up, it does not activate when a duo is inserted.

I have check the power supply and it is okay(I hooked up another dock board to it and it powered up fine) So it must be something on the board itself, I am hoping it is just a resistor, cap or fuse.

Anybody have any schematics or usefully advice?

This appears to be a Duo dock first generation(it has Gemini on the PC Board)
It accepts my 280c so the lid has been changed, There is a hard drive(230mb, nothing on it) and a farallon nubus ether card(haven't pulled it yet to test).

I can always just keep it for spare parts but would like to tinker a little first, so any helpful hints would be appreciated.



Brian G
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