> After searching a little bit I've found, that I can read the movie with
> vlc if I check the box "No disc menu" and I choose a title above 15. But
> the chapters are in the wrong order. If I try to read with mplayer it
> works if I start mplayer with:
> $mplayer -dvd-device /dev/sr0 dvdnav://
> I think only "dvdnav://" is important here.
> I've also found the problem seems to be related to the Arccos protection
> scheme. The DVD has 99 title and only one is the movie with the chapters
> in the right order.

It's odd that vlc with "no disc menu" plays it, since that does *not*
use dvdnav, whereas apparently mplayer *with* dvdnav does?
what about mplayer dvdnav://<<main_title_number> does that work?

Backtraces might be useful.
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