On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 01:20:06PM -0600, Roger Pack wrote:
> It's odd that vlc with "no disc menu" plays it, since that does *not*
> use dvdnav, whereas apparently mplayer *with* dvdnav does?
> what about mplayer dvdnav://<<main_title_number> does that work?

Sorry for the delay, but it wasn't easy to have access to a dvd player.
With a dvd player I found that the right title is 31 for me. The
following commands works perfectly:

$ mplayer dvdnav://31

But when I have a look at the output I can read:

DVDNAV, switched to title: 8
audio stream: 0 format: ac3 (5.1) language: en aid: 128.
audio stream: 1 format: ac3 (5.1) language: fr aid: 129.
subtitle ( sid ): 0 language: en
subtitle ( sid ): 2 language: fr
subtitle ( sid ): 4 language: nl
subtitle ( sid ): 6 language: fr

If I do

$ mplayer dvdnav://8

There is a crash.

> Backtraces might be useful.

I will try to get some backtraces, but I have to find first how I can
install properly libdvdnav on my system with the compilation options
you gave. It's the first time for me, it can take some time......

Best regards,


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