> Dear all,
> During our work on debugging support of compute workloads on AMDGPU[1],
> we (at AMD) have been seeing two cases regarding description of
> bitfields in DWARF for which we do not find definitive answers in the
> DWARF documentation.  For those cases, when experiencing with usual CPU
> targets we observe different behaviors on different toolchains.  As a
> consequence, we would like to discuss those points here to gather
> feedbacks.  If deemed necessary, we will submit a formal clarification
> issue to the dwarf committee.
> Both of the cases we present below impact how arguments are passed
> during function calls in the ABI for at least our target (AMDGPU).
> However, the debug information available to the debugger does not give
> enough information to decide how to handle the type and the spec does
> not really say what debug information should be generated to properly
> describe those cases.  Also note that in both case, the DWARF
> information we have is sufficient to describe the memory layout of the
> types.
> 1 - Bitfield member with a size matching its underlying type:
> The first point we would like to discuss is the one of  bitfield members
> whose sizes match their underlying type.  Let's consider the following
> example:
>      struct Foo
>      {
>        char a :???8;
>        char b : 8;
>      };
> If we compile such example with GCC it will add the `DW_AT_bit_size` and
> `DW_AT_bit_offset` attributes to the `a` and `b` DIEs.
> Clang on the other hand will not produce those attributes.
> On the debugger side, GDB currently considers a struct member as being
> packed (i.e. part of a bitfield) if it has the `DW_AT_bit_size`
> attribute present and is non-0.  Therefore, GDB will "understand"
> what GCC produces, but not what Clang produces.
> What Clang does seems to be a reasonable thing to do if one is only
> interested in the memory layout of the type.  This however is not
> sufficient in our case to decide how to handle such type when
> placing/inspecting arguments in registers in the context of function
> calls. In our ABI, bitfield members are passed packed together, while
> two chars in a struct would be placed in separate registers.
> To clarify this situation, it would be helpful that a producer always
> includes the DW_AT_bit_size attribute for bit field, which the standard
> does not suggest nor require.

It sounds like your ABI is basing its decision on a boolean: is the field a bit
field or not.  And you're trying to deduce this from DW_AT_bit_offset.  Perhaps
a better solution would be to make this explicit in the DWARF, some new
DW_AT_bitfield flag.  There's very little that the DWARF standard can do to
mandate such an attribute.  (Permissive standard yadda yadda.)  But if it's
necessary for debuggers to work correctly in a given ABI, compilers should be
well-motivated to produce it when generating code for that ABI.

> 2 - Unnamed zero sized bitfield
> Another case we met is related to unnamed fields with a size of 0 bits.
> Such field is defined in the c++ standard as (in 9.6 Bit-Fields):
>  > As a special case, an unnamed bit-field with a width of zero
>  > specifies alignment of the next bit-field at an allocation unit
>  > boundary
> If we now consider an extended version of our previous example:
>      struct Foo
>      {
>        char a : 8;
>        char : 0;
>        char b :???8,
>      };
> Neither GCC nor Clang give any information about the unnamed bitfield.
> As for the previous case, the presence of such field impacts how
> arguments are passed during function calls on our target, leaving the
> debugger unable to properly decide how to handle such cases.
> As for the previous case, both compilers can properly describe Foo's
> memory layout using DW_AT_bit_offset.
> It seems that such 0-sized field also has impact on ABI on other targets
> such as armv7hl and aarch64 as discussed in [2].  Should the DWARF
> specification give some guidance on how to handle such situation?
> All thoughts on those cases are welcome.

I'm agreeing with Michael that describing the unnamed bitfield seems dubious.
If it does impact the ABI, I'm wondering if that impact is indirect: that is,
the presence of this 0-width bit field changes an attribute of the next field,
and that attribute is responsible for difference in the behavior.  If so, is
there any way other than a 0-width bit field to cause the same behavior?  This
might be another case where describing the attribute that's directly responsible
might be better.

Todd Allen
Concurrent Real-Time
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