> V2 now with tools:
> http://ssh.bencoyote.net/~ben/DWARF_6_DRAFT_tools.png
> It is kind of a menu. Pick your favorite dwarf body, your favorite
> helmet, your favorite tool. Or suggest something different. Since it is
> just a draft she just just did it over the DWARF6 mockup - we can
> discuss font later.

Please give your wife my thanks -- she's done some great work here!

> As for the license, whatever. She slapped a CC-BY-SA on it based upon
> your previous email. She doesn't have a problem transferring ownership
> to whomever/whatever but I don't think that there is a legal entity that
> can possess it and I don't feel like we want to wade into all that
> entails. It is a favor, a donation to the community.

I've got no idea what the legal aspects are, so I'm just trying to be
extra careful. I'm sure as long as we have a clear record that she's
donating this to the DWARF committee, we should be OK.

Nonetheless, we'll definitely have to discuss this in the executive
committee, and/or the full committee. And it's not our highest
priority. Nevertheless, thanks!

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