On Mon 15-10-2007 11:11, Engin Tola wrote:

> A A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Anyone out there have a triple screen xorg.conf (individual screens)
> > running DWM that you would be willing to share with me?  I can't
> > seem to get DWM to treat each screen as a single desktop for some
> > reason.
> >
> > Thanks!
> I got a 2 display configuration without using awesome if you're
> interested. (It basically launches 2 dwm in different displays and you
> cannot move windows around but I also got a small code I use to move
> between displays for keyboard-based switching so moving is not awkward
> )
> I guess you can modify this to three displays...

Sounds good but where can I find it?
Jan Christoph Ebersbach
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
Eccl 12,13

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