On Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 06:23:02PM +0100, Fabio Scotoni wrote:
> Hello Marc
>>> But it's giving the arrow keys as ^[[A to ^[[D to vim. Good, that's not a
>>> big problem, at least, as i can use hjkl, but it would be more
>>> comfortable with the arrow keys.
>> I never noticed this, it seems like the following workaround works in
>> the shortterm (colors may be a bit different though).
>> TERM=linux vim [some file]
>> vim checks $TERM and does some things differently if it thinks it's run
>> from within an xterm or derivate like rxvt which is what madtty/dvtm
>> emulates.
> DOH! TERM=linux did the trick. Some built-in workaround wouldn't be wrong.

Yeah, but i am a bit busy right now and i didn't investigate further for
the time being.

> For sure, i'm using it with my dwm as replacement for four urxvt's, but  
> for the console it's a good idea.
> Is there ANY way to check, if dwm/madtty is "hosting"?

Not really, what would you like to do depending on that?


 Marc Andre Tanner >< http://www.brain-dump.org/ >< GPG key: CF7D56C0

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