On Sun 29-06-2008 17:45 +0200, Fredrik Ternerot wrote:

> I found out that dwm-5.0-pertag.diff (from suckless.org) did not work
> for dwm-5.0.1 at all, so I wrote my own modifications to get layout
> and mfact stored per tag. I attach an diff if anyone is interested.
> From a user perspective, it works as a expected when only one tag
> is viewed. If more tags are added to the view, the layout and mfact
> will not change, i.e., the values for the tag first shown will be
> used. The "tag first shown" (or maintag as it is called in code) is
> also remembered when switching to previous tagset (MODKEY-tab).

Yep, you could use the updated version at
http://herbst.homeunix.org/~jceb/dwm/5.0.1 - Have a look at my email
from yesterday: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jan Christoph Ebersbach
But by the grace of God I am what I am. 1. Cor 15,10

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