sounds interesting, but you only tarred the symlinks in both emails :)


On Mon 05 Jan 2009 - 06:51PM, Ian Daniher wrote:
> Hello again,
> While I'm at it, I might as well share a pair of my media scripts
> which are extremely helpful when it comes to handling web A/V from
> command line browsers.
> These two files are various bash scripts I've written [or adjusted]
> for CLI media-related activities. "mcfmod" is a heavy modification
> of a mpd player which allows a user to play specific
> songs, artists, genres, or songs via mpd and the command line.
> "mcf --help" details syntax. The script as I have it now will
> download and label a single mp3 file from a specified genre,
> artist, or etc. The script depends on id3, xmlstarlet, and misc.
> other the standard GNU-linux tools. "youtubedl" is a fairly short
> bash script which, given a youtube URL, provides an mplayer-able or
> wget'able download URL. While this is definitely not the shortest
> of youtube download scripts, it is extremely readable and sends
> the minimum required information to the youtube servers. This
> script can be used as a basis for other, similar scripts.
> I run mcfmod in a while [ True ] loop on my server, slowly filling
> up the 300gb sata drive I have in there with assorted house and techno
> music. youtubedl I am currently working on binding to a hotkey in w3m
> to allow near-seamless viewing of youtube videos from a command line
> browser.
> Enjoy!
> --
> Ian Daniher

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