Great news :)
I would love to take part on this. I'm PhD student and was thinking
about some Plan9 related project, if the suckless project will also be
a mentoring organization maybe there is some good project involving
both things which could be done (I remember a Plan9 port of dwm -
mentored by Anselm - was a propossed idea in the Plan9 GSoC wiki last
year, for example).
Other vague ideas I have could be something st/libgt related (see my
wheel designs post, I'm really willing to put my hands on this) or
some work to try to fit better plan9port/9vx/inferno with X: I would
like to use plan9/inferno applications in a more transparent way, now
I have the feel of running it inside a box, this is an idea that has
crossed my mind some times: write a rio substitute which multiplexes
/dev/draw to different x windows (clients), modify acme to use
separate windows too, and use dwm/wmii to control everything. It
sounds complicated, but it would just be a matter of moving code from
one place to another, something in these lines should be doable.
Of course, these are just some rough ideas, and I am open to any
suggestion from possible mentors. Though I would apply as a student,
if you need any help to prepare the application as mentoring
organization, just drop me a line, maybe I could help. BTW, I think it
would be interesting to add to the wiki page the candidates to

I hope we can find some good projects to work on. Regards,


- yiyus || JGL .

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