my guess would be that DISPLAY isn't getting set. acpid is probably run
as root or before the env. variable exists and so can't read it.


On Mon 04 May 2009 - 12:12AM, Preben Randhol wrote:
> Hi
> I have setup my Asus Eee to run commands when I press the function keys
> (like power up/down etc...) In these scripts I'm running notify-send to
> get a small window to give a message (like touchpad off etc...). The
> scripts are run from acpid.
> For some strange reason when I use dwm, the notify window doesn't show
> up. If I program dwm to run the script, I get the window. If I run the
> script manually from xterm as either user or root I get the window. If
> I start xfce4 in stead of dwm I get the window when acpid starts the
> script.
> I don't understand why I don't get it in dwm. Anybody have any clues as
> to what the problem could be or how to debug to find it?
> Thanks in advance
> Preben
> System: Ubuntu 9.04, dwm 5.5(6) from hg.

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