BIOS support choosing a smaller multipliers to reduce cpu frequency.
linux also supports frequency scaling such powernowd.  Some google
page said cpu throttling can not reduce power consumption.  My
experience is that it seems to lower temperature. If it can also
reduce power consumption, I'm willing to save money by running cpu at
half of its current frequency.  Any idea.

GPG key 1024D/4434BAB3 2008-08-24
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 4434BAB3
唐詩094 杜審言  和晉陵路丞早春遊望
    獨有宦遊人  偏驚物候新  雲霞出海曙  梅柳渡江春
    淑氣催黃鳥  晴光轉綠蘋  忽聞歌古調  歸思欲霑巾

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