Rod asked:

> Sometime during the last few days their was an item posted on 
> one of the DX reflectors about software for the computer that 
> would tune the various HF Beacons.

And the answer is.....BeaconSee;  go to:

I have a very rough web site up now with a couple of runs
of BeaconSee on the signals as copied out here in Hawaii
yesterday.  I don't have all the text and explanation up yet,
but if you care,  have a look at:

Site was built for me by Smokey,  AH6PQ over on Oahu;  I have
no idea what that gadget is he has put up for "show and tell",  hi.

On the plots,  each blip is separated by 30 minutes;  a complete
window of 8 blips is then a four hour run.  The first plot is the
view of all 18 beacons heard here on 20, 17, and 15 meters
between 7:30am and 11:00 am HST (10 hours behind UTC,
UTC time is given in the far right hand windows).  As you can
see,  only 20 meters was really "open" during most of that
time.  17 meters was rather noisy for some reason,  15 just
pretty quiet.

The 20 meter openings to all of Africa,  Israel and even
No. Eu. I found most interesting;  there were NO signals
to be heard from anybody there,  however.  I had certainly
not expected such mid-morning openings to that area;
usually in the late afternoon and evenings, as you can see
when I put up those plots later.

The second plot is just a continuation of the above,  but only going
on to 1 pm HST (2300 UTC).  The first four blips in each window
are the second four of the plot above;  the second four show the
changes in the two hours between 11 am and 1 pm.  I have plots
continuing on into the evening,  might put them up later today.
Oh, on the second plot, I added monitoring the 10 meter beacon
you can see 10 was sort of just beginning to come open by 1 or so
in the afternoon out here.  You can also see that 20 meters pretty
much was closed down by noon.

Interesting gadget is BeaconSee.

73,  Jim  KH7M

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