(Discussion moved to DX Chat from DX News)

First, as noted in the reply over on DX News (if anyone missed it over
there), the link I have is:


and it works.

Can a felon hold a license?  I don't have my copy of the FCC rules in front
of me (they're down in the shack) but:  considering that his felony did not
in any way involve Amateur Radio or other forms of communications, I suspect
he probably can.  Now that is not to say that the Commission might consider
invoking the "KV4FZ" rule to determine whether or not he's fit to hold a
ticket, but that's another story.  Personally, I hope they don't.  The man
has paid his dues and then some.  Leave him be.

I don't believe that Dr. Miller would be able to retrieve his old call under
Vanity.  Didn't I read somewhere where someone formed a "club" in his
"honor" and got W9WNV as the club call?

In any event, he was once a legend amongst DX'ers and he once set THE
standard for small (one or two man) DXpeditions.  Here's hoping that he
comes back to Amateur Radio and DX'ing in a positive way.

73, ron wn3vaw

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----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Reisert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Sandy Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; DX-News reflector <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] Don Miller (ex-W9WNV); out of jaiil

Hi Sandy and fellow DXe'ers (especially the 1960 DX'ers),

According to a story I received the other day, Don Miller is now a free
man. We'll have to ask lawyers (what does WA2MOE say?) about whether he is
eligible to apply for a license. I think he's now considered a felon but I
am not a lawyer and I don't know if convicted felons can get licensed.

Anyhow, hope I can type the location of the story without an error. Here

http.//www.the desertsun.com/news/stories/local/1027736972.shtml

Hope this works OK.


Joe, W1JR

At 11:17 AM 9/25/2002 -0700, Sandy Lynch wrote:
>Apologies if this was brought up earlier .. but I've only been
>to this reflector for a couple of weeks or so.
>While perusing the JA Top Gun Club website, I stumbled across a memo by
>JA1AEA that Don Miller was released from prison probably 06-18-02.  JA1AEA
>has already had the "first telephone QSO" with Don  who apparently has been
>studying the question pool for his extra class ticket.  It looks like Don
>indicated that he's eager to get back on the air ... possibly even doing
>some DXpeditioning.
>If anyone is interested in seeing some of this info (in Japanese), it can
>viewed at:
>      http://www.cqham.com/tgc/w9wnv-new.htm
>To hear some audio files from some of his DXpeditions:
>      http://www.cqham.com/tgc/w9wnv.htm
>Just curious if there's any "new news"??
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