On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 05:56:58AM -0400, Larry Duncan  K4WLS wrote:
> Propagation to the higher lattitudes was extremely good on 20M Sat
> night with strong sigs from RA1's and UA9's until past midnight.
> Also the 40M band opened to Japan from ZL7C before it closed out
> in Europe. This sorta squeezed the USA out. Seems the ZL7C Op
> also had a preference for working the JA's. I surmize it was probably
> because they had stronger signals (from the higher lattitudes).

There were quite a few DLs on 40 as well, with the WAG contest going
on. I started listening around 0600 UTC. ZL7C (quite strong in the
northwest) was working only EU for quite a while (the operator did
allow one PY to make contact).  After listening for what seemed like
forever, he began working non-EU stations and I was able to jump in
around 0715.

Since they have another week there, it shouldn't be too hard to get
them if propagation holds up.

Bob N7XY
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