I wonder how many of you folks have seen the excessive amount of illegal
gear being posted on eBay in the ham section.  I am sure a major amount of
that type of gear goes through that auction house.  I would say 5-15 items a
day are posted.

I have contacted the FCC about this source but they are not the least bit
interested.  They never answered not one of my e-mails on the subject.  I
have also contact Ed Hare, W1RFI, at ARRL HQ who answered my first e-mail
and gave me some guidelines, but since has ignored my subsequent e-mails
when I followed exactly his instructions.

I am under the impression that illegal use of illegal CB items carries up to
11K per day fine.  I wonder why this country just doesn't do away with
income tax and go after the illegal CBers who could fund this whole

The point is eBay is a point source for "freebander" gear and yet nothing is
done.  Sad.


Charlie, W0YG..>>

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