Difficult - I found it impossible.    Due to work committments during the
I was only able to listen on Saturday and Sunday.   All of the cluster spots
showed them to be
on either 160m or 80m working the USA.   The only time I heard them was on
Sunday around 1730z for about 30 minutes they
were S3 on 14195 then faded into the noise.   Fortunately I didnt need it on
SSB but
it would have been an all time new on CW.   I never heard them on
RTTY - Oh well - back to the drawing board.   Maybe a bird watcher will
make another trip..

Tom - GM4FDM

Eagles may soar but weasles dont get sucked into jet engines!

----- Original Message -----
From: Allan & Bridget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX-NEWS] difficult to work AH3D?

> I also found them to be more difficult to work than I would have expected.
> Like others have said, when they were loudest here on 160m and 40m, they
> were calling "CQ JA" ...very frustrating.  I understood the emphasis on
> Europe.
> Although I am definitely no expert on how things should work on the "low
> bands" I have to to along with what Zach had said about gray line
> strategies.  I realize however, that they did have problems with their
> receive.  Perhaps, too, expectations were high because we all know that
> operators there are of a very high caliber, and I would agree, too, that
> they overextended themselves.  I did manage to work them on 80m, 20m and
> 15m, so I can't really complain, and hope that there were several people
> got a new one out of this expedition.  Perhaps we got spoiled after the
> Kingman Reef operation.  =)
> 73,
> Bridget, KS4YT
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