
With due respect, I find only ONE QSO per call area to be
highly Unruly, Confusing, and Frustrating for callers.  The
pileups tend to be long and drawn out with a LOT of anxiety
to be the ONE guy who gets through to avoid having to wait
for the full rotation to be able to call again.  I, for one, do NOT
care for your suggested approach.

In going by call areas, it usually takes 2 or even 3 QSO's before
(nearly) ALL of the callers are aware of the area change, and this 
ASSUMES  that everyone has GOOD copy ALL of the time.
I find it MUCH more efficient to work a given number of QSO's
(or minutes) per call area, trying to cover all areas once per hour.

Also, when going by call areas, it is sometimes (often?) preferable
to move GEOGRAPHICALLY rather than Numerically.  For example,
at USA Sunrise, use the following sequence: 1,2,3,4,8,9,0,5,7,6

Tom  N4KG

On Mon, 03 Feb 2003  "Charles Harpole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> About the difficulties of contacting AH3D ...  my email showed eleven 
> guys 
> have said they also were puzzled abt splits, etc. and six said they 
> had easy 
> contacts.
> I have asked Carl of DX Magazine to allow me to write a short 
> article 
> advocating a style of operating for DX which may provide max 
> exposure for 
> successful callers which I hope will at least spark more thot on the 
> subject 
> by challenging the status quo.  As u know, I advocate no (or few) 
> directional CQs (based on geography) but rather the working of one 
> #1,then 
> one #2, then one #3 and so on.  I hope I can flesh out my reasoning 
> in 
> print.  73,
> Charles Harpole

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