Steve, Red, et al,

I've been reading this thread (for the most part) and sometimes when I feel
rushed, I've just hit the delete key.  For some reason I read these two and
wanted to add my 2 cents worth which will become "delete fodder" for many,
but others might have a slight interest.

I am an OT...not as much of an OT as many, but I've been at it for nearly 50
years.  Only the past 25 or so have I been even close to what one could call
"competetive in the pileups".  But through dumb and good luck and good
fortune, I've done OK.  All that said, I really wanted to add what the
CURRENT DX country total/total DX country including DELETED total means to

First of all, it certainly does not make me want to belittle the
accomplishments of many nor does it make me jealous of the recognition of
the accomplishments of the real OT's but rather tickles my memory of when I
first got into ham radio and looked thru the loaned copies of CQ and QST
magazines from the 30's and 40's and saw the black and white fotos, small
and grainy, of the native ham on some obscure island in the Pacific or
Indian Ocean who was running a 6L6 (that's a tube for the young folk) at 10
watts to a wire strung between two coconut trees, giving contacts to those
who had antennas and receivers and transmitters capable of establishing such
a contact.  Some of those islands and locations have turned out to be hot
tourist spots now, with many DXpeditions handing out QSO's by the thousands
but SOME of those little obscure hams and their stations were operating from
places that no longer exist, due to political or other reasons. Names like
Goa, Rio de Oro, Ifni, French West Africa, Equitorial Africa, Inini, Straits
Settlements, Federated Malay States, Non-federated Malay States, British
North Borneo, etc. come to mind.  These guys with the "deleted" totals were
fortunate enough to have worked these reaction is WOW!
Congratulations on your accomplishments under conditions that we probably
can't or don't understand. And finally, rather than spend my time and effort
debating whether those "deleted totals" should now be shown, I would much
rather have the opportunity to sit down and hear the stories from these OT's
on how they managed to work these "far away places with strange sounding
names".  How long has it been since you took the time or had the opportunity
to hear any of these stories?  I guess my favorites were those told by the
GI's in WW2 who were on the air from these dots in the Pacific, using hand
cranked generators, etc....Maybe you real OT's could share a story now and
then with us?  Huh?  Some of us would be interested and intent listeners.

Best to all...Good DXing...see you in the pileups.

Tony, W4FOA
Chickamauga, GA

PS: I don't have a clue what my totals are but I do know I only need VU4 and

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
                         -Frank Outlaw

-----Original Message-----
Of Steve Lawrence
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

Red - Call what you will "stupid" but it's MY opinion just as yours is
yours. When I see an unachievable number with an asterisk next to it,
I'm not inclined to think of anything much more than "OT."  When I see
335 as a "current" number I wonder on what band that op snagged the P5.

A listing sorted by the current totals slash absolute serves both
purposes - current competition and a tip of the hat to longevity. The
yearly QST Honor Roll listing is shown this way. The year book should
be the same but isn't. I'll guess that's the League's compromise.

73, Steve WB6RSE

(I'll have to get back to you on that Physician's analogy after I check
with the DXCC desk on why my personal doctor isn't listed.)

On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 09:48  AM, K0LUZ wrote:

> It appears to be a case of whose ox is being gored.  For those of us
> who
> have been long time active dxers and want to be recognized for what we
> have
> accomplished over the years,  the overall total including currently
> deleted,
> but not deleted at the time we worked them, is valid.  We have looked
> for
> years longingly at the numbers represented by gentlemen far beyond our
> years
> who have worked stations that we had no opportunity to work,  with the
> understanding that at some point in the future,  we too will have this
> opportunity to be recognized.
> Now, the newly licensed and those who didn't have the ambition or
> desire to
> work for the long term want it NOW NOW NOW.  If you want to use stupid
> analogies like the Yankees, I'll present one just as stupid.  Let's
> assume
> you want to be a doctor but dislike the thought of it having to spend
> all
> those years of preparation.  Your solution would be to just give the
> certification to anyone who can pass the test or has the money to pay
> anyone
> who has a friend who took the test and has a copy that you can study.
> Fortunately it doesn't work that way...........yet.  When it does,  it
> is my
> hope that people who want it NOW NOW NOW have the opportunity to have
> these
> people for their physician.
> Since it is my ox that is being gored,  I waited and didn't scream NOW
> NOW for all these years,  and my NOW is finally becoming reality.  Let
> us
> who have spent the years working at our count enjoy our DXCC count
> including
> deleted while we can just as those in the past have.
> Red K0LUZ

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