For the past few days I have been reading the mail on the
new DX-News. I must say it has done my ole heart good,
and brought back fond memories of years gone by when
[DX-News] was [NJDXR]. On Saturday nights, for those
of us that didn't make it out to one of those Iron Chef
places, [NJDXR] became for a few hours one large range
"80M round-table" DX discussion net. Now thanks to
the insight of Urb, Steve, and others we have this list net
solely for that purpose.

For the past three years, Urb, Steve, and Ron have stuck
with me through thick and thin, and more often than not
it was "thin". One of these days I hope to meet Urb
LeJeune in person, as I personally know he is a "one in
a million guy". Here in NC there is a Marine Corps base
called Camp LeJeune. LeJeune is a name that you do not run
across very often. I happened to ask Urb one evening in a
mail if there was a connection between his last name and
Camp LeJeune. Turns out there is direction connection. Maybe Urb will post
the URL so you can read about the
namesake of Camp LeJeune. Urb is a pretty modest guy,
but maybe he will.

Bottom line is I am not "blowing smoke" or "nose-gating"
anyone, I would just like to thank Urb, Steve, and Ron
for being a "true freind" to me through thick and thin, and
for all us DXers, keeping the news and chat coming. By
the way, Steve is "The Chandelier Man". Once in awhile
you will hear him rattling the chandeliers saying, "This
discussion is moved to DX-Chat."  :-)  :-)

Anyway, a great "big thanks" to DX-Chat, DX-News, Urb,
Steve, and Ron.

Still trying to locate one of those "Band Fixers" !!!!!

73 and don't give up on the DX - there is still some out there !

Larry,  K4WLS

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