Hmmmm.....many times good intentions end up with just
that, good intentions.

To my knowledge, we amateurs world-wide can adopt
any operating practice we like as long as:
1.  That practice is withinin the guidelines of the laws and
     regulations governing the issuance and use of our
2.  That practice is in keeping with the spirit, fraternalism,
     and international good-will of amateur radio.

Since "??" and "QRL??" don't seem to be too badly broken
on the bands, most of you have said, "Why fix them ?"

Thanks all for your imput !!

With all the changes in the world in the past 100 years,
isn't it great to know that the original form of RF
communications, CW, is still very much alive and thriving

Thanks and Good DX All,    Larry  K4WLS

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