Hi to everyone,
Thanks to all that responded.  Got the answer.  I spoke to one of the ops just a few minutes ago on 10 meters SSB and he said they received no permission for 30 meters.  So, no 30 meters for this particular dx-pedition (ce0y/sp9pt, sp9evp, etc.).  There is another dx-pedition there either now or soon and I don't know about them. 
Thanks again to all who responded. 
73 de N5PHT, Gary

WARC Band authorizations have NOT occurred uniformly around the world.
HS is the only country I am aware of that has NOT authorized any of the WARC
bands for normal use. There have been some 'special' authorizations for
special events stations.

30M remains unauthorized in A4, CE?, VU, and 5Z.

India implemented a 6 month 'temporary' authorization for 30 (and 6) meters a
few years ago which has been renewed every six months since if I understand
that situation correctly.

Chile granted special authorization for 30M for several of the previous CE0
DXpeditions. It is not clear to me what the status of 30M is in Chile proper.

The A4's and 5Z's I have asked about 30M all say that 30M is still NOT

Tom N4KG (30M DXCC = 324)

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