If you would like to bring back a little nostalgia and re-live
your Novice days, turn down your keyer speed and come
on down to 30M. 30M seems to be a very popular band
for the new hams dipping their feet in the CW waters for the
first time and those honing their CW skills. Most of these
Ops have an excellent signal and they really appreciate a
QSO, especially from the older, more experienced hams.

Remember your Novice days when everyone always traded
QSL cards ?  Well, just offer your card by saying, "QSL via
QRZ.Com, and I will send my card right back." Sit back and
watch your mail box fill up. In the past two months, I have
accumulated a stack of about sixty cards, and I am not far
from WAS. Also, you get some very nice, appreciative
comments on the incoming cards. 

Also 7040 KHz on 40M seems to another favorite spot for
newcomers to the CW sport.

Jump in, have some fun, and help further the CW cause !!

73,   Larry,  K4WLS 

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