Well Ron the poit is just that one you mentioned. That routine isn't
applied to everybody. And about the DEMO operation I'm sure you
know exactly what I'm talking about dont't you ???. It was one of those out
of the routine and nothing was requested. The point is that ZW0S has ALL
information needed on his HomePage and in my oppinion, there is no sense
to return qsl's submitted for credit when all information is available. BTW
I'm not
trying to change your point of view. I'm just expressing mine  At least, we
live in
democratic countries and we can say what we think isn't that ???
best regards

Fred - PY7ZZ

-----Mensagem Original-----
De: "Ron Notarius WN3VAW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Para: "Fred Souto Maior" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "John and Mari Minke"
Enviada em: Terça-feira, 25 de Novembro de 2003 02:14
Assunto: Re: Re[2]: [DX-News] ZW0S

> Fred,
> Pardon me for asking, but maybe I'm missing the point.
> What is so onerous about a routine request to verify that the license is
> still current, that the current operation has the proper permissions from
> the proper authorities to be located there, and that the operator is
> actually there?
> I don't think that the fact that he's a Brazillian operating from a
> Brazillian territory is relevant.  I would expect no less (if anything
> more!) scrutiny from an operation by US amateurs from KP1 or KP5 or any
> of a bunch of US owned/administered little rocks and atolls scattered
> throughout the Pacific Ocean.
> Yes, we all know about the "demo" operation that worked "only 27 of so
> friends... with no papers at all."  (By the way, which one are you
> to, the first legit modern day P5 operation, or the return of BY1 to the
> back 25 or so years ago?)  I think it's to the credit of the DXCC desk
> they are flexible enough to allow for unique or near unique situations (I
> mean c'mon, you can't expect the rules to cover EVERY possible
> on those rare occasions when they surface.
> Why is a mountain being made out of this molehill?
> 73, ron wn3vaw
> "What's the point in being crazy if you can't have a little fun with it?"
> -- Russell Crowe portraying John Nash, "A Beautiful Mind"
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Fred Souto Maior" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "John and Mari Minke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Art RX9TX"
> Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 5:46 PM
> Subject: Re: Re[2]: [DX-News] ZW0S
> Well John at that time you mentioned, around 40 years ago, when W9WNV
> operated from the coast of Venezuela and said he was on Peter and Paul
> Rocks,
> we couldn't see his HomePage showing him there, not only for radio
> activities,
> but WORKING there, with lot of pictures of the rocks, the operator at his
> station,
> logs, and comments stating what he is doing there etc. Different
> John.
> Same treatment isn't fare don't you think ??? And BTW, I started 1969 and
> know
> what you are talking about. It  isn't  like the situation that we have now
> regarding ZW0S.
> Ar least, in my oppinion. Best regards.
> Fred - PY7ZZ
> -----Mensagem Original-----
> De: "John and Mari Minke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Enviada em: Segunda-feira, 24 de Novembro de 2003 19:43
> Assunto: Re: Re[2]: [DX-News] ZW0S
> > Art RX9TX wrote:
> >
> > > Sounds  reasonable  for  me,  what  kind  of  proof should a brasilian
> > > researcher  propose  to  the  DXCC  Desk? Landing permission? I do not
> > > think Joaquim was requested of that by PY authorities. Ticket? I doubt
> > > DXCC    Desk    ever    requested    a   ticket   from   Chuck   3Y0C.
> > > Helicopter/airplane/ship  master  signature?  Weird.  Just wonder what
> > > kind  of  evidence  do  they  want.  I  think no one doubt Joaquim was

> > > operating  from  the  rocks,  and  he has a proper license, that's the
> > > keyword.
> >
> > All of a sudden we have DXers questioning polcies of the DXCC Desk. Had
> > some you been in the DX game some 40 years ago you would understand!
> >
> > 73 de John N6JM
> >
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