About 10 days ago I asked for an easy to set-up and use shareware/
freeware firewall. I received 15 mails in reply, and 13 recommended
Zone Alarm. I downloaded the installation file for the free version
of Zone Alarm. Last night I got up enough courage to install and

Well, the program basically sets up most things itself during
installation. Since I am running Norton SystemWorks, I read
the help files about how to include other files/programs requiring
internet access, so I manually added "Live Update" and "Symantec
NetDetect". Still yet to see if a virus def "automatic live update"
makes it through OK  :-)  :-)  The Help Files are great and very
easy to understand.

I have been running a computer for 4 years with no firewall, so I did
not really think I had a problem with hackers - boy was I wrong.

After running computer for 4 hours last night and 2 hours this
morning I have had 92 intrusion alerts. 81 of these were "pings"
(internet noise - low threat), but 11 were high threat alerts where
my ports were trying to be accessed or scannned. Sure made
a believer out of me for the need for a firewall.

Thanks all for your help - Larry   K4WLS

P.S. Would someone please fix the bands. I have been through
4 solar cycles, and this is the worst "decline" and the worst long
time bad prop I have seen on the bands in 45 years !!

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