Assuming that the "eQSL staff" shipped the plaque from N5UP's QTH (where I also presume eQSL is housed) in Bedford TX, and considering that you live in Savoy TX, and further taking into consideration what I know about ground and overnight shipping via USPS, UPS & FedEx (especially in February), I find it highly unlikely that it would take 3-4 weeks for the plaque to get to you.
Therefore, one can come to one of two conclusions:
1.    The plaque was lost by the delivery company or delivered to the wrong address
2.    The plaque was never shipped.
I find it sad that considering my own past history with N5UP, my suspicion is more towards the second choice.  I hope for your sake that my suspicion is wrong.  Maybe some publicity about this will help.
N5UP is, well, an interesting person to deal with.  He never answered any of me emails on a particular subject related to eQSL until I sent him a letter.  Then I started getting responses from him, for a while.  I've also heard similar things from others that have had the same problem.  So I don't know what's going on... only he can answer that for certain.
BTW, that's a nice little shack you have pictured on QRZ.COM.  The layout gave me some ideas for how I'm going to try and shoehorn my shack back together once I have a room to put it in, but that's another story!

73, ron wn3vaw
Some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them
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----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Stone
To: DX Chat
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 1:06 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] e-qsl walnut plaque ??

I qualifed (notifed by email from e-qsl staff) that I qualified for one of the "free walnut plaques."  This is for their e-dx100.  The first x number (don't remember how many) were to receive a free walnut plaque and they told me I was one of the free ones.  I have been told a few things but most recently they have on my award pages "shipped 7 February 2004" and I still have not received this plaque.  I qualifed for it several months ago. 
Has anyone received one of the plaques?  Recent emails to eqsl have not been answered.  Just curious.
73 de N5PHT, Gary

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