I realize that most of the information on the internet is not
copyrighted, and therefore basically a "free for all", but this
is an unethical practice in the unwritten code of DX'ing.

Not true, everything is copyright. You do not have to say something is copyright, just the fact that it was "published" makes it copyright.

If the President/Webmaster of SIDXA would have contacted
the President/Webmaster of MDXA, they would have gladly
been given permission to use these articles.

It is not theirs to give. You are the copyright owner since you originally published the articles.

Atempts to contact the President of Southern Illinois DX
Association by e-mail (it bounces) and telephone (directory
service) have been fruitless.

Send them a snail mail letter, certified return receipt requested. Inform them that if they do not remove the material within a week, specify a day, that you will do whatever it takes to protect your copyright including informing their hosting company and litigation.

        If they don't reply or remove the material send another letter
to their ISP informing them one of their clients had copyright
material which belongs to you and they have ignored your request
to remove. This step almost always gets attention because, one
informed, their ISP is also libel.

I've been this route many times.

Urb, W2DEC

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