I have never figured out the purpose of the TB-wires category.  It
appears to be there to equalize things for the guys with smaller
antennas, but if I interpret the rules correctly, with a vertical, I
have to compete against the guys with the stacked yagis (I guess I could
use that category if I stuck to 40 and below).

Bob, N7XY

On Sun, Mar 13, 2005 at 08:44:42AM -0500, Gerry Maira wrote:
> I would enter as single op, low power, TS (tribander or single element wire 
> ant) 20 meters. As I understand it - You can work stations on other bands, 
> but of course they won't count toward your score. I believe you can just 
> give them the next SN in your sequence. These qso's will be filtered out by 
> the computer doing the scoring, with no penalty to you. If you can't find 
> info on this in the rules, you could send an email to CQ and ask them.
> 73, Gerry Maira KA2MGE
> Leon M Foot wrote:
> >I have a moderate station: TS450S/AT whit a triband beam, running 100 W 
> >max. No linear.
> >
> >I have been off air for some years and have never worked a contest. In 
> >the upcoming CQ contest I want to work 20m only.
> >
> >What category do I enter in the contest: Single band low power or single 
> >transmitter with triband beam (or whatever the official categories are)?
> >
> >What happens if, during a quiet period, I tune accross a new one on say 
> >15 or 10m? May I work them? Will it affect my single band entry? What 
> >serial number do I give?
> >
> >Thanks
> >Leon ZS4Y
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