I think hamfest attendance is down everywhere for the same reasons that most
convention attendance is down (Orlando is a convention town and living here,
I see the drop off).

Flea markets.... why wait for a flea market when sales go fast on the
Forums.... read about this content the next day after it happens or is
released... on the internet.
New products....  sell it on ur web site, fast.

Meeting old friends.... the last reason to go and the best.... but maybe we
need more meet-and-greet sessions?

Older people travel less.  June is better because school is out more likely.
   But, I sure do like hamfests....
Charles Harpole

I think you have a point, Charlie.

We OTs are less flexible and prefer more comfort !  At least this old fart
does !  hi
Jetlag has become  a problem with age too so I must admit I prefer
travelling South or North ,
pretty much in the same time zone.

I admire people like yourself travelling half way around the world to visit
in-laws !

73  rag  la5he

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