
        You’re an old DX buddy but your anti-Americanism has gone over the top.

After 11 september 2001 it has been a major inconvenience to travel to and within USA.

        Isn't that a shame the you Europeans are inconvienced because we choose not
be the target of another act of war.

Perhaps when you get a new president ,who respects international law and has less double standards, you may see more overseas visitors. 

        A little history lesson. Germany did not attack the United States on December
7th 1941, Japan did. Had the US not disregarded international law and declared war
on Germany, as well as Japan on December 8th 1941, you folks in Europe would be
speaking German today.

        You are a world-class operator and DXer but your politics have no place in ham
radio communications. Please take your political discourse elsewhere.

Urb, W2DEC

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