this is the info from 
Mr.Dov 4x4dx about his dx activity.try to contactthem.
Note: forwarded message attached.

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--- Begin Message ---
Subject: AS-100 Over night activity

After long efforts, we have succeeded for the first time, to receive the permission to activate AS-100 during night hours. This may give us a chance to present AS-100 to many DX Hams who were not able, due to time propagation restrictions, to do it. Day hours operation now and in the near future, is no problem and we shall activate it to supply all demand. Therefore, we would appreciate very much the cooperation of stations in near areas such as EU and Near East to follow our working plan:
Starting 15:00 utc 27 Aug. 2005: We will look for the Far East, OC, AF and North America on 20m.
On 40m, we will look in the evening to AS, OC , AF and NA.
28 Aug. 2005: Early morning until 04:00 good conditions to NA, SA on 40m. Around 03:30 will try to work West coast on 20m as well as NA, SA, OC and AS.
From 05:00 will work all.
This plan depends on propagation and the operators in the field may change it. The cooperation of stations, especially from EU is the key point to succeed and satisfy all DX, as much as propagation allows.
Please spread this message !   
Thanks for your cooperation, CU from Achziv island !
Shalom and best of 73's
Dov (4Z4DX) and Alex (4Z5KJ) 

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