
I may need to ask for some assistance from a few of you out here on the
reflector -- in a little over two months.

I've been asked to participate in International Education Day at the local
Upper St. Clair High School on November 30th.  The topic, naturally, will be
about the international aspects of Amateur Radio.  We will have about 45
minutes to speak and present, and I may be asked to give the presentation at
least twice.  (And by "we," I mean that I will have some help from a few
other members of my local club, the Wireless Association of South Hills
N3SH, but I digress)

Any short suggestions on how to present this, especially on doing more than
showing DX QSL cards, would be appreciated.

The first obvious suggestion would be to get on 15, 17, or 20 meters
(depending on propagation at the time of day) and make some QSO's, which we
would really love to do.  When we get closer to the date, I'll let you know
so that we can "line up" some DX who could say a few appropriate words (all
keeping within the appropriate 3rd Party Rules, of course).  We already have
permission to set up a temporary antenna and station -- we made a very good
impression with the school administration during our ARISS QSO last year,
and it doesn't hurt at all that the teacher who contacted us is ex-KA3WZP
(and yes, I'm working on her to get relicensed, which she plans to do as
part of a project along with her students during the year, which is another

Again, any comments or suggestions appreciated!

73, ron wn3vaw

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