Monday was a nice day indeed.  My daughter was stayed home from school
sick so I took advantage of the free time away from work to fix my
g5rv and feedline.  Once I got it on the air, for the first time in a
couple of months, I quickly worked YX and VR for 2 new ones!  Filled
in the day with EU and AS dx.  Was quite a nice surprise.

scott N9LJX

On 4/24/06, Ron Notarius WN3VAW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Had to stop over at W3WH's this evening to take a quick look at a problem on
> his XYL's computer, and took advantage of the situation afterwards to spend
> a little time with his Orion and StepIR.  (Personally, I'd have preferred
> his Corsair II instead, but you take what you're given when you guest op
> sometimes!)
> FINALLY worked YX0LIX on 17 and 20 CW.  Heard them quite strong on 10, 17,
> and 75 phone, but no luck breaking thru the pileups.  Was a very nice
> frustration relief; I was working in the garage on a computer Friday night,
> listening to them on 30 CW coming in 599+30 working one EU station after
> another, and no soap breaking that pileup either (which has more to do with
> my antenna, which is another story).
> Also got ST0RM on 20 for my first Sudan ever, and MU0FAL on 40 CW to fill in
> a band slot.  Not bad for a few hours work... when you also consider that
> Bill & I spent over half the time kibbitzing over another matter (our club
> is going to be running the Bonus Station in this year's Pa QSO Party, and
> even tho it's about 5 months off, there's a LOT of work to do!)
> Would have been real nice to get through to one of the VU4AN/VU3xxx stations
> I heard briefly on 20 CW, or the ZA on 40, or that A6/OD on 40... but I'm
> not complaining!  A little gravy never hurts, but I'm very glad for what I
> got!
> Now if the mortgage broker can just come through with the loan he thinks he
> can get, in a few weeks, a real QTH again, and no more having to try and
> hide antennas in the back yard away from the next door neighbor brats who
> like to cut down wires just for the fun of it!
> BTW... anyone else planning on being at Dayton, and if so, interested in an
> eyeball?  (Hmmm... maybe I'd better rephrase that one; No, I don't mean
> buying lunch inside HARA!)
> 73, ron wn3vaw
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