Gee, only 35 up? As of the time I'm writing this (about 12:30 AM EDT), he's on 14.022 (and a pretty solid S8 on my G5RV) with guys calling him all the way up to 14.082. I guess that would be 60 wide, though it does't look or sound like anyone is calling him below around 14.042, so I guess he's got a 40kHz wide pileup that starts 20 kHz up from his frequency. Wow. I guess I'll get him next time ...

On 7/31/06, Peter Dougherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 11:46 PM 07/30/2006, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:
>On the subject of things that plague DXpeditions... what makes ops
>think it's OK to drift the pileup from 5 up to 35 up during the course
>of the evening??!?!

Let me clarify this - that's a CW pileup, NOT PHONE! I really do feel
sorry for the poor guy. I think he's trying his best but CW isn't his
native language ;-)



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