A magazine named UNPLUGGED is aptly named. Here is what I wrote to the editor:

Hey man, did u get it wrong! Too bad you write without knowing what u are writing about. Try not to embarrass yourself so easily.

You miss the main points of ham radio.  Ham radio is:

1. a function that allows the general public direct access to the two way facilities of the radio spectrum (with a small test) somewhat similar to our access to national parks, to fly a personal airplane, etc. The radio spectrum is owned by the world's population which should have first level access to it. That is true via ham radio and CB and family radio, for example. Commercial concerns have historically taken second place to this rule. Would you get angry is a commercial logger stripped Yellowstone of its trees and sold them for a profit?

2. a public service as proven thousands of times each year when hams provide THE ONLY communication from disaster areas. enuf said on this topic... if u can't grasp this point, there is no hope for you.

3. and it is an adventure. The fact that one can telephone to any place on earth now is beside the point of ham radio. The point of ham radio is the enjoyment of seeing what one can do via building the station and then talking DIRECTLY to people of all kinds all over the world --by chance. It is the chance encounters that are a major enjoyment. It does not matter if hams are using technology as old as Marconi, the real factor is the adventure.

Please in the future, obey the master dictum of writers: write about what you know ONLY. Best wishes for a better future for your endeavors.

Charles Harpole

Charles Harpole

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