Personally I don't mind chipping in a small amount.  Ok, so someone gets a subsidised trip - so what?  If they get on the air and disturb a few electrons then they're giving the ham community a service, utilising bandwidth and making people happy.  Small price to pay!
Dave G0OIL

----- Original Message ----
From: Charles Harpole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 23 August, 2006 9:55:15 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] DXpedition support

The remark about a guy wanting hams to pay for his vacation via DXpedition
donations, brings me to a comment I have thot abt for a long time:  Today,
much of  DXpeditioning is only for the rich... rich enuf to finance the
trip, and enuf to be off work (or retired) for the duration.  That is a sad
situation because I have encountered several possible "wanted entity"
DXpeditions that could not happen because the key person(s) could not afford
to spend personal funds to make the trip.

So, much as I dislike funding someone's vacation, there is often a
difference and I fully understand that some of us hams are in a vy gud
position (via contacts or location or whatever) to go to some highly wanted
entities, but simply lack the funds to do so.  I know that I feel somewhat
ashamed to ask for donations,  loaner gear and other help for my
DXpeditions, but it is do that or not activate the entity..

I do not know the answer but hope a small discussion about this matter can
bring out some good ideas.  tnx and 73

Charles Harpole

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